
Saturday, June 11, 2011


KAIZEN - Continuous Improvement 1

KAIZEN- AN INTRODUCTION Masaaki Imai is known as the developer of Kaizen. Focuses on continuous improvement on eliminating waste in all systems. Continuously improve people’s ability to meet expectations of high quality, low cost, and on-time delivery. It is a Japanese word meaning gradual & orderly, continuous improvement. Kaizen transforms companies into 'Superior Global Competitors'. 2

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Involves everyone in an organization working together to make improvements ‘without large capital investments’. 5 Elements of Kaizen Suggestions for Improvement Teamwork Personal Discipline Improved Morale Quality Circles 3

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Out of these foundation elements, three key factors in Kaizen arise Elimination of waste( muda ) and inefficiency. Kaizen five-S framework for good housekeeping. - Seiri - Sort, - Seiton - Set in Order - Seiso - Shine - Seiketsu - standardize - Shitsuke - Sustain Standardization 4

KAIZEN BASED MANUFACTURING Persistent Continuous Improvement Methodology Process identified and owned Waste is measured Data gathered to identify causes Changes the way work is done Operating Assumptions People need to work together Everyone has a customer Means of Accomplishment Knowledge and understanding 5

Kaizen Management:
Kaizen Management Requisites for Success Performance measurement Continuous improvement Proactive problem solving Team empowerment Management’s coaching role 6

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Applicability of Kaizen 7

Kaizen Blitz or Event:
Kaizen Blitz or Event It is a focused, intense, short term project to improve a localized process. Substantial resources like Engineering, maintenance, operators are available for immediate deployment. An event usually includes training followed by analysis, design and rearrangement of a product line or area. The Event normally takes 2-5 days and the results are immediate, dramatic and satisfying. 8

Mini Kaizen (Quick & Easy Kaizen):
Mini Kaizen (Quick & Easy Kaizen) Norman Bodek introduced the concept of Mini Kaizen. Also known as Quick & Easy Kaizen. Quick and Easy Kaizen recognizes that the person doing a job is the best expert on that job. It encourages everyone to make small improvements that are within their power to implement. These thousands of small improvements have major effects overtime. These small scale improvements are easier and faster. Key Characteristics: Permanent method changes Continuous flow of small ideas Immediate local implementation Quick & Easy Process 9

Sequence of events for Quick & Easy Kaizen:
Sequence of events for Quick & Easy Kaizen An employee identifies a problem, waste, defect or something not working. He/She notes it down. Employee later develops an improvement idea and goes to immediate supervisor. Supervisor reviews it and encourges immediate action. The idea is implemented. The idea is written up on a simple form in less then three mintues . Supevisor posts the form to simulate others and recognize the accomplishment. 10

Kaizen Tools:
Kaizen Tools Productivity tools : Single Minute Exchange of Die(SMED) Total Productive Maintenance Demand Flow Technology Kanban 5 S’s Lean Manufacturing Quality Tools : Poka yoke, Standardised Work, Jidoka , Value Stream Mapping, PDCA Waste reduction tools : 7 Type of Wastes, Visual Management 11

Kaizen at Toyota Production System:
Kaizen at Toyota Production System At Toyota, it is usually a local improvement within a workstation or local area and involves a small group in improving their own work environment and productivity. This group is often guided through the Kaizen process by a line supervisor; sometimes this is the line supervisor's key role. While Kaizen (at Toyota) usually delivers small improvements, the culture of continual aligned small improvements and standardization yields large results in the form of compound productivity improvement. 12

How Toyota motors implemented TQM? :
How Toyota motors implemented TQM? TQM comprises four process steps Focuses on Continuous Process Improvement, to make processes visible, repeatable and measureable Focuses on intangible effects on processes and ways to optimize and reduce their effects Examining the way the user applies the product leads to improvement in the product itself Broadens management concern beyond the immediate product 13

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TQM requires that the company maintain this quality standard in all aspects of its business. This requires ensuring that things are done right the first time and that defects and waste are eliminated from operations 14

14 Toyota- Way Principles:
14 Toyota- Way Principles Toyota was the first company to implement Kaizen. Base your management decisions on a long-term philosophy, even at the expense of short-term financial goals. Create a continuous process flow to bring problems to the surface. Use "pull" systems to avoid overproduction. Level out the workload (heijunka).(Work like the tortoise not the hare ) Build a culture of stopping to fix problems, to get quality right the first time. Standardized tasks and processes are the foundation for continuous improvement and employee empowerment. 15

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Use visual control so no problems are hidden Use only reliable, thoroughly tested technology that serves your people and processes Grow leaders who thoroughly understand the work, live the philosophy, and teach it to others Develop exceptional people and teams who follow your company's philosophy. Respect your extended network of partners and suppliers by challenging them and helping them improve. 16

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GO & see for yourself to thoroughly understand the situation ( Genchi Genbutsu ) Make decisions slowly by consensus, thoroughly considering all options; implement decisions rapidly ( Nemawashi ). Become a learning organization through relentless reflection ( hansei ) and continuous improvement ( Đšaizen ) 17

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Case Study New Kaizen Activities at Tahara No.1 Plant Organizing a “Teamwork” amongst Group Leaders, Chief Leaders and Engineers Value Engineering Suggestions Constructing an Ideal Assembly Line 19

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Conclusion Kaizen must be a way of being, an attitude, a spirit to be permanently present within each team; Our lifestyle, both at home and at work, should focus on our constant efforts to improve. The application of the Kaizen principles involves no major expenses, but only more attention to details and practical ways to do things better and more efficiently

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